Classroom and Events Technology Support or “CETS” is the UNTHSC group that provides technology support for classrooms, meeting rooms, collaboration rooms and technology for special events, both on and off campus.
At UNTHSC this includes:
The “Crestron” systems in the classrooms that allow the presenter to select what their audience see and hear, all controlled from one touch panel.
Examples of additional AV equipment offered by CETS:
Portable sound systems
Document Camera
Related…[click on topics below for additional information]
Training on CETS supported systems, equipment and EMS as it relates to CETS
Systems Supported by CETS
Crestron Fusion – At UNTHSC Crestron equipment is used to integrate classroom technologies that typically operate individually, so they work together as a single system. Each CETS managed room equipped with a Crestron system can be centrally monitored, managed and controlled using Crestron Fusion. Fusion allows CETS to monitor projector lamp usage, unlock a podium touch panel, turn on/off a projector/display remotely.
Visix digital door signage – These digital signs display a room’s reservations for the day. The data is pulled directly from the Events Management System (EMS) and displayed automatically.
Mersive Solstice – Allows users to wirelessly connect to the room display(s) with laptops, tablets, iPads and phones (iOS and Android).
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