Armando Rosales

Rosales 2 Crop

Armando Rosales, M.D.

Associate Professor
Center for Anatomical Sciences
College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences
University of North Texas Health Science Center
Ft. Worth, TX 76107


B.S. University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
M.D. University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Residency (General Surgery), Capitol Medical Center, Philippines
Fellowship (Medical Sciences), University of Hong Kong


A surgeon by training, I have 35 years of experience teaching anatomy to medical students.  At UNT Health Science Center, I currently serve as the laboratory course director for all gross anatomy courses for first year medical students, and co-instruct additional anatomy courses for physical therapy, physician assistant, and Masters of Science students.

Courses Taught
  • MEDE 7811: Musculoskeletal and Skin Systems 1 (medical students).
  • MEDE 7812: Nervous System 1 (medical students).
  • MEDE 7615: Cardiopulmonary System 1 (medical students).
  • MEDE 7611: Gastrointestinal & Renal Systems 1 (medical students).
  • MEDE 7715: Reproductive & Endocrine Systems 1 (medical students).
  • DPHT 7200 & 7400: Clinical Anatomy 1 & 2 (physical therapy students).
  • MPAS 5401 & 5208: Clinical Anatomy 1 & 2 (physician assistant students).
  • SARS 5401: Structural Anatomy (graduate students)


I am heavily involved with outreach programs at the UNTHSC Center for Anatomical Sciences.  These programs, including Mentors for Life, the Texas Academy of Biomedical Sciences (TABS) Summer Bridge Program,  the JAMP summer programs, and the UNTHSC Anatomy Pre-matriculation Workshop, give K-12 and college students interested in pursuing careers in science and/or medicine a unique opportunity to experience human anatomy in a medical school setting.



My research broadly focuses on human anatomical variation with a particular emphasis on clinically/surgically-relevant structures.


Selected Publications

  • Nguyen VH, Liu HH, Rosales A, Reeves R. 2016. A Cadaveric Investigation of the Dorsal Scapular Nerve. Anatomy Research International.  2016: 4106981
  • Holmes V, Liu H, Rosales A, Kirchhoff C. 2014. A variant of extensor medii proprius: a case report. International Journal of Anatomic Variations. 2015(8): 32-33
  • Fraser P, Thomas J, Guttmann G, Rosales A. 2014. Rare accessory slip of the deltoid muscle conjoined with teres minor. European Journal of Anatomy. 18(3): 195-197
  • Fraser P, Bredeweg A, Stroud R, Rosales A. 2014. Bilateral duplicated renal collecting systems and associated pathology: an unusual case report. JSM Clinical Case Reports. 2(6): 1062
  • Wood AR, Reeves RE, Rosales A. 2013.  Bilateral gluteus tendinous foramina containing portions of the superior gluteal neurovascular bundle. International Journal of Anatomic Variations. 6: 59-60