Student Perspectives: Lauren Landry

February 27, 2024 • Uncategorized

Achievement Awards: Pathways to Success in Pharmacy School

Lauren Landry HeadshotLauren Landry

Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate, 2026

B.S. in Biochemistry

Hometown: Lewisville, TX

Leadership Roles: President, Infectious Disease Interest Group at HSC; President-Elect, The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research, ISPOR student chapter; and Scholarship & Awards Chair and Legislative Chair, Kappa Psi.


How did you get interested in becoming a pharmacist?

I have always loved healthcare and thought that I would one day want to make it part of my career. However, it was not until my later undergraduate years, when I began working as a pharmacy technician trainee, that I became certain of what I wanted to do in my future. Pharmacy instantly felt like home to me, and I spent most of my time learning whatever I could about it. These days, I am still learning all I can about pharmacy, now with the end goal of being the best pharmacist I can be for my future patients.

Have you overcome any challenges on your journey to get here?

I lost my mom to breast cancer in August of 2022, just a few days before I started my P1 year. It was extremely challenging for me at first, starting this journey without my best friend and biggest cheerleader by my side. However, I had a wonderful support system that truly helped me through that difficult time. I carry her memory with me, and this is what inspires me to do the best that I can do, for now and the future.

What did the financial achievement award mean to you and your goal in pursuing a PharmD degree?

For me, the Dean’s Achievement Award was not only a reward for my undergraduate work, it was something that helped take stress off of my P1 year. With this award, I was able to put more focus into my coursework, which ultimately helped me make the most of my first year.

What are your future career aspirations?

Right now, I am thinking about pursuing either ambulatory care pharmacy or infectious disease pharmacy. I would love to work within an interprofessional healthcare team, especially one that has new patient cases and/or challenges to solve every day!

What advice would you give to students considering pharmacy school?

To those considering pharmacy school, I would say that the field of pharmacy is rich in opportunity! Before starting the program, I really only knew about retail pharmacy and hospital pharmacy, but there are so many other branches of pharmacy to consider as well. I have found multiple areas that interest me, so I know there is something for everyone interested in a career in pharmacy.