Taylor Benavides, PharmD
Assistant Dean, Pharmacy Recruitment and Outreach
Assistant Professor of Pharmacotherapy
Education & Experience:
I completed my PharmD degree at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy. Upon graduation, I completed a 2-year pharmacotherapy residency at the University of the Incarnate Word Feik School of Pharmacy. I gained experience in teaching, ambulatory care, internal medicine, and critical care.
Teaching Areas & Interests:
During my residency training, I was responsible for teaching small group and didactic lectures, as well as facilitating skills laboratories. At the College of Pharmacy, I am responsible for co-coordination of an Integrated Pharmacotherapy (IPT) course and teaching in IPT-related recitations.
Professional Activities & Awards:
I am a member of American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP), Phi Delta Chi pharmacy fraternity, and the National Hispanic Pharmacists Association.
Scholarly Interests:
My clinical and research interests are in infectious diseases and cardiology.
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