HSC Awarding Process

HSC begins their academic year in the summer (summer/fall/spring). If you plan to attend summer classes and receive federal financial assistance (Loans and/or Federal Work Study), we will need the new year’s FAFSA before that time (ex: attending summer 2024 courses–we need the 2024-2025 FAFSA before summer course begin).

Awarding Process for new students and new aid applicants

  1. Apply for Federal Financial Aid– This can be completed on the FAFSA For a step by step of that process, please refer to our How to Apply page.
  2. Wait– We begin to award in May for the following summer, fall, and spring aid year.  Once we begin the awarding cycle, FAFSA’s will be imported 5-7 business days after it has been completed. Be sure to check your email for any additional information that may be requested by our office.
  3. Make sure you are admitted into your program– If we receive your FAFSA without any program information, this can sometimes delay the awarding process. * If you are admitted into your program after submitting your FAFSA, let our office know your admission is complete.
  4. Accept/Decline awards– We will send an email notification once you have been awarded financial aid.  Once you receive that email you may accept or decline your funds (instructions).  Make sure you budget for the entire year and try to borrow wisely. Your financial aid will be split evenly between the terms you are enrolled (ex. fall/spring or summer/fall/spring). Budgeting resources and tips can be found Here.
  5. Entrance Counseling and MPN– If you have accepted a Federal Stafford Loan you will be required to complete a Loan Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note.  Both of these items can be completed at studentaid.gov. Please note, it may take 2-3 business days for our office to receive confirmation of Counseling and MPN completion.
  6. Disbursement– 10 days prior to your classes starting, we will begin our disbursement process.  Disbursement is the day the Financial Aid Office requests funds from the Department of Education to pay for your tuition and fees.  YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE YOUR REFUND ON THIS DATE.  Refunds are processed by the Student Finance Office.  To setup Direct Deposit, please refer to their website Here.
  7. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)– In order to continue receiving financial aid you have to meet certain SAP standards.  A certain GPA and completion percentage must be kept in order to remain in a good standing.  Details for each program can be found Here.
  8. Renew your FAFSA Each Year Beginning October 1st– The process starts all over again for the next Financial Aid year, starting again at step one.