HSC Financial Aid Rights and Responsibilities


Students have the right to:

  • Have confidential protection of your financial aid records as mandated by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  • Know what financial aid programs are available at HSC.
  • Know the deadlines and processes for submitting the appropriate applications for each financial aid program that is available.
  • Request an explanation of the programs in your financial aid package.
  • Accept or decline your financial aid award(s).
  • Consult with the Financial Aid Office staff concerning your
    financial aid application, cost of attendance and/or financial problems
    which might arise.
  • Know the Financial Aid Office policies concerning Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
  • Know the federal Return of Title IV Funds policy. More information can be found at Financial Aid Return Of Title IV Funds.


Students are responsible for:

  • Using financial aid for educational expenses only while attending HSC.
  • Reporting to the Financial Aid Office any additional assistance from non-HSC sources such as scholarships.
  • Notifying the Financial Aid Office of a change in enrollment status.
  • Enrolling in the number of credit hours required per term, that fall within your degree plan in order to graduate. In addition to this, classes that are not required in order to complete your program of study cannot be funded by financial aid due to federal regulations.
  • Maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
  • Reading, understanding and retaining copies of all forms submitted or provided.
  • Re-applying for financial aid each year.
  • Completing all application forms accurately and submit them on time.
  • Providing correct information as wrongful reporting can be a violation of federal law.
  • Reading and understanding all materials sent to you from the Financial Aid Office and other financial aid agencies.
  • Keeping the Financial Aid Office informed of changes in address, name, marital status, and financial situation.
  • Completing Exit Counseling if you received a loan from the Financial Aid Office prior to your separation from HSC, including when a student takes a leave of absence, withdraws, is dismissed, or graduates.
  • Repaying any financial aid funds due as a result of a withdrawal or over award.
  • Requesting personal assistance if you have questions or do not understand the information provided to you.