Dropping a course vs. Withdrawing from the semester
Dropping means you remove or “drop” one or more courses from your schedule, but that you are still enrolled in at least one course at UNTHSC. Withdrawing means you drop all courses and are no longer enrolled in the University.
Six-Drop Rule
According to SB 1231 if you were enrolled in higher education for the first time during the Fall 2007 academic term or any subsequent terms, you are allowed to drop a total of six courses in your academic career. This includes any course(s) you may have dropped at another Texas public institution of higher education. This does not apply to courses dropped prior to the census date, and does not apply if you withdraw for the term or session.
Certain exceptions may be made to the six-drop limit. Requests for exception to the drop limitation must be made in writing to the student’s Academic Dean via the Exception to 6 Drop Limit form and must occur during the semester that the dropped course was taken.
Reasonable cause for exception could include the following:
- a severe illness or other debilitating condition that affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the course;
- the student’s responsibility for the care of a sick, injured or needy person if the provision of that care affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the course;
- the death of a person who is considered to be a member of the student’s family or who is otherwise considered to have a sufficiently close relationship to the student that the person’s death is considered to be a showing of good cause; or
- the active duty service as a member of the Texas National Guard or the armed forces of the United States of either the student of a person who is considered to be a member of the student’s family or who is otherwise considered to have a sufficiently close relationship to the student the person’s active military service is considered to be a showing of good cause; or
- the change of the student’s work schedule that is beyond the control of the student, and that affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the course.
Withdrawing from the semester
Step 1: Request and obtain the Complete Withdrawal Form in the Registrar and Student Records Office, (SSC-240) or by email at registrar@unthsc.edu
Step 2: Visit the following departments and obtain clearance signatures:
*Financial Aid (SSC 150): Discuss any changes in financial aid status and secure clearance signature
*International Services Office (SSC 210) (International students only): Discuss changes to immigration status and secure clearance signature
*Health Insurance Coordinator (IREB-105): Discuss changes to health insurance and secure clearance signature
Step 3: Return the completed form to the Registrar and Student Records Office, SSC 240 or via registrar@unthsc.edu
Please see your academic program’s procedures regarding incomplete grades.
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