Withdrawal/Leave of Absence
All students that enter a program at UNT Health Science Center are expected to continue their enrollment until the completion of their program. Students who discontinue enrollment in ALL classes for a given term will be considered withdrawn unless the student has received an approved Leave of Absence. A student may officially (voluntarily) withdraw beginning the first day of class through the final day for withdrawal, see academic calendar. Students that need to take a leave of absence or withdraw from the university must pick up the form in person at the Registrar and Student Records Office located in SSC 240. If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from picking up the form in person please contact the Registrar and Student Records Office.
Incomplete forms and/or completed forms not turned into the Registrar and Student Records Office may result in an administrative hold on records, administrative withdrawal and/or suspension from the university.
Official Withdrawal
An official (voluntary) withdrawal occurs when a student notifies the university of his or her intent to withdraw by following the institution’s official withdrawal process.
Unofficial Withdrawal
An unofficial withdrawal is also a complete withdrawal where, unfortunately, the student either never attended or ceased to attend all classes without following the appropriate official withdrawal procedures. This situation may make it very difficult for the student to return to the school should they desire to do so at a later date. The unofficial withdrawal will be processed as an Administrative Withdrawal.
Administrative Withdrawal
The university administration has the authority to withdraw a student from the university and to revoke that student’s registration at any time for the following reasons:
-Failure to comply with academic progress requirements (e.g. unsatisfactory class attendance, failure to meet academic probation requirements).
-Failure to pay university tuition and fees by the due date.
-Disciplinary suspension or dismissal for the remainder of an academic term or longer.
-Severe psychological or health problems such that the student cannot be permitted to continue in attendance.
-Other reasons deemed appropriate by the proper administrative officer.
Withdrawal processes are effective with the last date of student’s attendance.
Official Withdrawal Procedures/Requirements
Step 1: Obtain the Withdrawal Form in the Registrar and Student Records Office,(SSC-240)
Step 2: Visit the following departments and obtain clearance signatures
-Financial Aid (SSC 150): Discuss any changes in financial aid status and secure clearance signature
-International Services Office (international students only): Discuss changes to immigration status and secure clearance signature
-Health Insurance Coordinator (SSC-240): Discuss changes to health insurance and secure clearance signature
Step 3: Turn in the completed form to the Registrar and Student Records Office, SSC 240
Withdrawal Refunds
Students who are removed from all their courses during the semester will be subject to the withdrawal refund schedule on the academic calendar.
Leave of Absence Procedures/Requirements
Please review your schools leave of absence policy before requesting a leave of absence.
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
A student may request or be required to take a leave of absence with the occurrence of a medical problem, substantial personal problem or as recommended by the Student Performance Committee. Students requesting a leave of absence must apply to the dean of TCOM. In the event of a medical problem, the request must be accompanied by a letter from the treating physician or a licensed professional describing the nature of the disability for which the leave is requested and the estimated length of time needed for recovery. After consultation with the student, the dean of TCOM will decide whether or not the leave will be granted and the conditions under which the student may return to school. Students must report to the Office of Student Affairs to obtain a Leave of Absence Form and complete it before they are officially placed on an approved leave.
Before a student may be readmitted, a written request for readmission must be submitted by the student to the dean of TCOM no later than 30 days prior to the start of classes. In the case of medical leave, a letter from the treating physician or a licensed professional must accompany the readmission request stating that the student has recovered from the disability for which the medical leave was granted and is able to participate in a full academic program. If the student is approved to return, a copy of the medical documentation must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
Physician Assistant Program
Students seeking leave of absence should obtain assistance with proper notifications from Student Affairs. A student in good academic standing may request a leave of absence due to a medical or serious personal problem. Requests for leave of absence must be submitted in writing. Leave cannot be granted for reasons of poor academic standing. Requests for leave of absence submitted by a student on academic probation shall be considered on a case-by-case basis. A request for leave of absence due to medical reasons must be accompanied by documentation from a physician or licensed professional describing the nature of the disability and the estimated length of time for recovery. A request for leave of absence due to personal reasons may also require substantiating documentation. Prior to re-enrollment, the student must submit a written request for readmission to the Chair of PA Studies. The request for readmission must be accompanied by documentation (such as a letter from a physician) substantiating the student’s ability to participate fully in the academic program upon their return. The student may also be required to provide documentation reaffirming their compliance with the Health and Technical Standards of the program. Leave of absence cannot be approved for more than one calendar year.
Doctor of Physical Therapy
A student seeking a leave of absence must first meet with the program chair. A student in good academic standing may request a leave of absence due to a medical or serious personal problem. Requests for leave of absence must be submitted in writing. Leave cannot be granted for reasons of poor academic standing. Requests for leave of absence submitted by a student on academic probation shall be considered on a case-by-case basis. A request for leave of absence due to medical reasons must be accompanied by documentation from a physician or licensed professional describing the nature of the disability and the estimated length of time for recovery. A request for leave of absence due to personal reasons may also require substantiating documentation. For more information on attendance policies, visit the policy website at https://app.unthsc.edu/policies.
College of Public Health
If a situation arises where a student must set aside his/her graduate studies for a period of time, a leave of absence (LOA) may be requested. LOA may be requested for up to three semesters. If additional leave is needed, a new request must be submitted. The maximum amount of LOA is six semesters (two academic years). A student on LOA cannot receive funding as a graduate student. Graduate advisors will be notified of any change to the LOA. Toward the end of a period of approved LOA, the student must take steps to resume studies at the beginning of the next semester, extend the LOA, or withdraw from the UNTHSC-CPH.
To resume studies, the student obtains approval from the Academic Advisor /Major Professor and Department Chair. To extend the LOA, the student completes and submits a new LOA Request form. To withdraw from school, the student follows the normal procedures for withdrawal, including completion of the clearance process. Time taken for an approved LOA is not counted toward the course/degree completion time limits.
College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences
If a situation arises where a student must set aside his/her graduate studies for a period of time, a leave of absence (LOA) may be requested. LOA may be requested for up to three semesters. If additional leave is needed, a new request must be submitted. The maximum amount of LOA is six semesters (two academic years). A student on LOA cannot receive funding as a graduate student. Graduate advisors will be notified of any change to the LOA. Toward the end of a period of approved LOA, the student must take steps to resume studies at the beginning of the next semester, extend the LOA, or withdraw from the College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences.
To resume studies, the student obtains approval from the Academic Advisor /Major Professor and Department Chair. To extend the LOA, the student completes and submits a new LOA Request form. To withdraw from school, the student follows the normal procedures for withdrawal, including completion of the clearance process.
System College of Pharmacy
A student may request to take a leave of absence with the occurrence of a medical problem, substantial personal problem, or as recommended by the Student Performance Committee, with approval by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Students requesting a leave of absence must apply to the Dean of SCP and also notify the Office of the Registrar. In the event of a medical problem, the request must be accompanied by a letter from the treating physician or other licensed professional describing the nature of the medical need for which the leave is requested and the estimated length of time needed. The letter must be dated within the past 30 days. After consultation with the student, the Dean of SCP will determine whether or not the leave will be granted and the conditions under which the student may return to school. The Dean will transmit his/her decision to the student. Students must report to the Office of Student Affairs to obtain a Leave of Absence Form and complete it before they are officially placed on an approved leave. A leave of absence may be requested for up to three semesters (one academic year). Before a student may be readmitted, a written request for readmission must be submitted by the student to the Dean. In the case of medical leave, a letter from the treating physician or other licensed professional must accompany the readmission request stating that the student is able to participate in a full academic program. A student who is seeking readmission following a recommendation by the Student Performance Committee and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs must submit evidence of compliance with any conditions for readmission to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
College of Nursing
A student may request or be required to take a leave of absence with the occurrence of a medical problem, substantial personal problem or as recommended by the Academic Progression Committee (APG). Students requesting a leave of absence must apply to the Dean of HSC CON. In the event of a medical problem, the request must be accompanied by a letter from the treating physician or a licensed professional describing the nature of the disability for which the leave is requested and the estimated length of time needed for recovery. After consultation with the student, the Dean of HSC CON will decide whether or not the leave will be granted and the conditions under which the student may return to school. Students must report to the Registrar and Student Records Office to obtain a Leave of Absence Form and complete it before they are officially placed on an approved leave.
LOA may be requested for up to three semesters. Any student on a LOA beyond 3 (three) semesters will be required to reapply for admission into the program of study. A student who does not return from the LOA after three (3) semesters will be academically dismissed from the program. A student on LOA cannot receive funding as a student. Advisors will be notified of any change to the LOA. Toward the end of a period of approved LOA, the student must take steps to resume studies at the beginning of the next semester, extend the LOA, or withdraw from the HSC CON.
Before a student may be readmitted, a written request for readmission must be submitted by the student to the dean of HSC CON no later than 30 days prior to the start of classes. In the case of medical leave, a letter from the treating physician or a licensed professional must accompany the readmission request stating that the student has recovered from the disability for which the medical leave was granted and is able to participate in a full academic program. The student must attest that they can meet the technical standards required by the program. If the student is approved to return, a copy of the medical documentation must be submitted to the Registrar and Student Records Office. LOA forms may be obtained from the Registrar and Student Records Office.
For readmittance following a Leave of Absence, RN to BSN and MSN students must show proof of a current, unencumbered Registered Nurse license prior to returning to classes per the admission requirements of the program and may be required to complete a new background check and drug screening. Prelicensure students may be required to complete a new background check and drug screening per the admission requirements of the program and eligibility criteria for licensure (7.103 Institutional Academic Policy)
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