PRECISION Pain and Health Status Study Research Team

Samantha Johnson 1

Samantha Johnson

Samantha Johnson, BS, serves as the research assistant director for the PRECISION Pain Research Registry team. She may be reached by phone at 817-735-0532, or by email at

Cathleen Headshot

Cathleen Kearns

Cathleen (Cathy) Kearns, BA, serves as theĀ  part-time research assistant director for the PRECISION Pain Research Registry team. She may be reached by phone at 817-735-0515, or by email at

Heather Lindsey 1

Heather Lindsey

Heather Lindsey, BA, serves as the project coordinator for the PRECISION Pain Research Registry team. She may be reached by phone at 817-735-5410, or by email at

To see if you qualify to participate in the PRECISION Pain Research Registry, click here.