Hazardous Chemicals List

Annually, the first workday in October, EH&S will send out a chemical inventory spreadsheet (link to sheet below) to the HSC community to be returned at the end of the month.


Please fill in the spreadsheet exactly as it is, do not alter the sheet in any way.

The only members of the community that need to return this completed list are facilities, shops, clinics, and research labs.


Office space environments do not need to complete this inventory spreadsheet.

Once the chemical inventories have been returned, Safety will compile a master list of the hazardous chemicals on campus and publish in the link below. Work areas that submit a hazardous chemicals list are encouraged to keep a hard copy near the entrance to the space and to maintain the list so it is current at all times.




Templates for posting Safety Signage and the Hazardous Chemicals List at the Lab Entrance

The links below provide templates to customize the lab’s entry signage and list the lab’s hazardous materials inventory at the door.

Landscape Lab Sign

Portrait Lab Sign

Hazardous materials List supplemental form