Karissa O’Brien – Research Administration
February 15, 2022 • February 2022, Serve Others First, VOTM
Nominated by Lynette Cadman for Serve Others First
Karissa will help solve a problem, find an answer or educate an employee no matter the situation. On many occasions I have gone to Karissa for help, even when the question or problem has nothing to do with her job or experience. I seek guidance from her, because she is never judgmental. She has never said, “It is not my job,” “I am not in that department,” she will give you the answer or tell you, “I don’t know the answer but I know I can help you find it.” The thing I love most would be her positive attitude. Even short staffed and stressed, Karissa sings all day long. She brings joy to absolutely everyone she encounters. I believe her behavior sets a positive role model for everyone at HSC!
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